I wake up in the small house and stay in bed for a moment thinking what I shall do today. I think it’ll be a day of errands, cleaning the car and doing laundry before I travel home tomorrow. I get dressed and walk to the large house where I light on the fireplace and see if I can already check in for the flight. It turns out that checking in is not until tonight. For a tall guy like me it’s important to be one of the first to check in, to get a place with some extra leg space.
It’s nice and quiet here. Except for the birds there are no sounds outside. It sure is a lovely place to rest. I take a shower and make myself breakfast. While drinking a cup of coffee I read a book. Life is good. I collect all my laundry, which is quite a lot after a couple of weeks of camping and I think that the laundry will take most of the morning to do. They told me I could cut some logs for the fireplace and I eagerly give that a try. But since I’ve never done that before I don’t manage to cut the big logs and choose the small logs instead. I think I have to ask my dad to teach me how to cut logs when I’m back home.
The rest of the morning I spend doing some webdevelopment work in between the errands. The family who owns the house also have their own business and yesterday we talked about how challenging it can be to let it go for a while. We agreed that it’s a good sign and that you love your work. The father of the family told me yesterday that time flies when you’re here and he’s right. Before I know it, it’s half way the afternoon. The day is flying by. It’s interesting how just a few weeks ago I wanted time to go home, but now I almost feel like I would stay longer. Almost, because I’m also looking forward to see my family and friends again, though it’s very nice to be here.
I start with one of the biggest challenges of traveling, packing my bags. It’s hard to fit everything in, because I bought new clothes and some souvenirs. I’ve watched YouTube videos with tips for packing, but I think I’m just not such a talent in this. There are still some clothes hanging out to dry and I really hope I can fit everything in. After packing the most things I go outside to clean my car a bit, so it looks good when I return it tomorrow. Then I drive to town to get a pizza. I’ve decided to end this relax day with a pizza and another movie. I still got some beers cold in the fridge, so it’ll be a relaxed evening. Tomorrow morning I’ll pack the last things and drive to Auckland to return the camper and get my flight back home.